Wednesday, 27 January 2016

New in at the drugstore - January

I don't know if I'm the only one, but I get more excited for new cheaper makeup releases than I am for high end ones. Probably because I know I can buy more things or maybe because I just love a bargain (thanks mum for that trait!). I just so happened to pop into town on my lunch break the other day and wandered in to Boots to pick up one thing and I ended up coming out with allsorts.

First up, new nail bits from Barry M. I always think Barry M do cheap nail polish so well, I especially love the Gelly Hi-Shine range. The colours are beautiful and they give such a glossy finish with great staying power. So when I spotted they had some new shades, I opted for an off-white cream colour called Cream Soda. I've always wanted an almost white nail polish, but this way it doesn't look as though I've covered my nails in Tipex. 

They were on an offer (2 for £6), so of course I had to buy something else! Recently I've been trying to grow my nails and strengthen them. However when they aren't painted I have a tendancy to bite or snap them. So the new Mani Mask range caught my eye, offering colour with a conditioning treatment built in. I picked up Birthday Suit a pinky nude colour.

Then on to Maybelline. I love new brow products. Even though they tend to be something I don't switch up very often, it's always nice to find something you like even better. I spotted this brow pencil in a chubby stick, then I saw the name and knew I had to buy it: Brow Drama Pomade Crayon. I thought it may be a cheaper and more accessible alternative to the Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade. The consistency seems lovely and really similar, but I think I may have to use it with a brush to get the same precision. When I've had a play around I may post a full comparison.

Now this may not be a very new product to Maybelline but the formulation was something that I have never spotted before. Maybelline Master Ink in Matte. In recent years I've used nothing but liquid eyeliner pencils, having had a terrible experience with a Bourjois Clubbing nibbed liquid eyeliner back in the day. But seeing Suzie from HelloOctober's perfect eyeliner in her videos made me really want to give it another chance and I thought Matte might be something a bit different.

Last but not least, a new foundation from Bourjois. Now Bourjois rank pretty high in the drugstore foundation category for me. I'd probably place them after Rimmel, as they just don't tend to have as much colour variety as some other brands. Just recently they released a new Matte foundation and even though everyone has been raving about it, I just knew that it would never work with my dry skin. Then I saw this one. A radiance and brightening promising formula. Seems more of a summer release with its SPF30, but I'm all for trying a new tinted moisturiser/BB cream now my skin is a bit clearer. So it went straight in to my basket!

Well that's all the things I've spotted and have picked up lately. Is there anything else I should try? Let me know in the comments.


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