Thursday, 14 January 2016

2016 - My New Years Resolutions

Well I can't believe we are already two weeks into the New Year. 2015 flew by so quickly and at this rate, 2016 is too! 

I had some many amazing experiences in 2015. Starting the year in Australia spending sometime with family and friends. Knuckling down for those final year University exams in January. Signing up to my first ever Half Marathon in February. March came and off I popped to New York City only to have my best friend pop the question. Celebrated my 21st birthday in May with a surprise party. Then it all got quite boring until July came around and I was leaving Newcastle and coming back home, to a beautifully decorated mint and white bedroom (Hutch is a keeper!) I must add. I started work life and before I knew it the end of September came and I (luckily) completed my half marathon and finished exhausted, starving but in one piece. We brought Frank the pup home in October and then Christmas began I guess. But wow, it's been a truly an awesome year. So thank you to everyone who has made it so special. I'm hoping 2016 will be even better. 

So here are this years resolutions I'm hoping will give me the best year ever:

Stay organised. This is a repeat every year I think. When I have so many types of diary I really don't have any excuses. This means keeping track of birthdays and anniversaries. Keeping on top of my increasing wash load. Packing my lunch the night before, so I can't make bad choices.

Blog more. I really do love taking pictures and writing for my blog. I have posts lined up all the time but don't frequently take time out to sit down and blog away. To be able to accomplish this I must be more organised (see point one).

Take a photography or make up class. This is something I almost did this week. I just need to work out when will work best for me. I'd love to be able to take better quality photos, I just need to know how to work with my camera. As for makeup, I'd love to have a different creative outlet and a bit more confidence, so that I could do what I love best for friends and family. They're always asking me to make them up!

Stress less. Something I do without even realising. I just know this winds everyone I know up! I must make a habit to calm down, step back and really think before getting worked up about something. Is it the end of the world? No, then carry on and don't make a big deal.

Keep on track. For some many years I've had the resolution 'loose weight' as I'm sure is on most people's minds the minute January the 1st rolls around. As I decided to start Weight Watchers again a couple of months ago, my resolution is just to keep on with what I have been doing and to not loose hope. I've made good progress so far and I want it to continue!

Be active and improve my fitness. I'm not giving myself a goal like: Go to the gym 5 days a week. Just because I know it's a lot of pressure and life happens, you can't always make it that many times. I'd end up feeling guilty and bingeing for the hell of it. But by setting myself a goal like being more active, I can achieve this by parking my car further away from my destination and climbing the stairs more times a day. I just want to be in better shape for when I do the Great North Run again (maybe!) this year and generally get a bit more upper body strength. 

Have more time for me. I'm one of these people where there truly isn't enough hours in the day. If I could survive, I would stay up till 1 or 2am and get up for work at 7 just so I could squeeze more in to the day. Some things I never feel like I have chance to do, like: take baths to relax, paint my nails. Just generally taking care of myself and my mind. Maybe this year I'll get around to taking up yoga like I've always wanted to.

Well there we have it. Let's see just how many of these I manage to keep up for the whole year. I'll have to do a post at the end of 2016 to see what I have achieved.

Let me know some of your 2016 resolutions in the comments. I would love to read them and add to my ever growing list! I'd love it if you could go follow my blog on BlogLovin


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